
Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.


Reasons To Spread Slate Tiles Around Your Home

18 August 2020
, Blog

Natural stone tiles fit virtually anywhere in a home, across floors and walls in bathrooms, kitchens and other areas. They also form beautiful hardscape features outside. One rock type, slate, is particularly durable and colourful. Consider the following reasons to spread slate tiles around your place. Create Your Own Colour Combinations You won't be hindered in colour choice with this rock. Slate is available in numerous hues, including grey, purple, blue, tan, green, and red.
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3 Reasons Epoxy Flooring Is Good for Your Office Space

17 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you intend to spruce up your commercial space or office, you should start with the flooring. If you choose the right flooring for your office, you will enhance your business image in a big way. Epoxy flooring is among the critical design elements you need to create an impressive business space or office. See why epoxy flooring is good for your business space. It's a Powerful Branding Tool Your business should have a significant online presence, but that's not all it needs to look new and fresh.
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Is It Time To Hire Professional Services For Your Commercial Asphalt Paving?

22 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Whatever your line of business is, commercial paving is critical for your office's property. Asphalt commercial paving not only eases traffic into and out of your premises, but it also elevates the overall appeal of the property, which in turn attracts customers to your business! However, commercial paving is not immune to eventual damage. And when you factor in the constant vehicle and foot traffic that this paving is exposed to, you will realise that you need to keep a sharp eye on your commercial paving to ensure that any damages are caught in time and repaired before they become aggravated and require complete asphalt replacement.
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Repaving Your Asphalt Driveway? Keep These Tips in Mind

12 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Although asphalt driveways are considered one of the most durable kinds of driveways that you could choose for your residence, they are not invulnerable to eventual wear. Fortunately, when asphalt starts to manifest signs of decline, it is not mandatory to eliminate it altogether. Instead, you can elect for a more cost-efficient alternative in the form of repaving. However, the biggest mistake homeowners make once they repave their driveway is being unaware of how best to maintain it, especially immediately after the repaving process.
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Pattern Pave: Different Styles You Could Choose for Your Home’s Exterior

17 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Pattern pavers have remained a popular option for outdoor flooring due to an array of reasons. Firstly, pattern pavers come in a wide assortment of materials. Therefore, you can be assured that you will get the best material to suit your individual flooring needs whether those needs are slip resistance, aesthetic appeal or simple durability. Secondly, pattern pavers can be used for all exterior applications. As such, you can be assured that your flooring will be functional wherever you install it.
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About Me
Repairing or Replacing Paving

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.
