Is It Time To Hire Professional Services For Your Commercial Asphalt Paving?

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.

Is It Time To Hire Professional Services For Your Commercial Asphalt Paving?

Is It Time To Hire Professional Services For Your Commercial Asphalt Paving?

22 July 2019
, Blog

Whatever your line of business is, commercial paving is critical for your office's property. Asphalt commercial paving not only eases traffic into and out of your premises, but it also elevates the overall appeal of the property, which in turn attracts customers to your business! However, commercial paving is not immune to eventual damage. And when you factor in the constant vehicle and foot traffic that this paving is exposed to, you will realise that you need to keep a sharp eye on your commercial paving to ensure that any damages are caught in time and repaired before they become aggravated and require complete asphalt replacement. This piece examines a couple of the symptoms, indicating that it is time to hire professional services for your commercial asphalt paving.

The commercial paving has developed unsightly cracks

Cracks may seem to be one of the more innocuous damages that your commercial paving can acquire, but the reality is that these defects can be the downfall of your commercial paving! While minor, superficial cracks may seem inoffensive at the onset, they eventually expand as they are exposed to overhead traffic. Expansion happens progressively, and as the cracks get wider, they subsequently allow moisture and debris to make their way into the internal layers of the paving, and this will hurt the stability of the paving. In addition to this, the cracks will also lead to unevenness on the surface of the paving. This unevenness poses a threat of damage to tyres that drive over the paving as well as pose the threat of trip and fall accidents, which you end up becoming liable for. Therefore, professional paving contractors, especially when they are minor, should repair any cracks immediately.

The commercial paving is steadily crumbling at the edges

Another symptom that may seem minor at first but will steadily obliterate your commercial paving is crumbling on the sides. Crumbling comes about due to water damage. To avoid crumbling, it is necessary to have the commercial paving sealed yearly, more so before winter rolls around since precipitation from rain and snow seeps into the asphalt and comprised its structural integrity. If you forget to hire paving contractors to seal it, the crumbling will only get worse as weight is continually applied onto the failing asphalt. When you inspect your commercial paving, look for bits and pieces that are coming off from the edges. Even if they are only a few areas that are exhibiting this symptom, it is best to hire commercial paving contractors to address the damage immediately and reseal the paving. 

About Me
Repairing or Replacing Paving

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.
