How are Pothole Repairs Normally Done?

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.

How are Pothole Repairs Normally Done?

How are Pothole Repairs Normally Done?

25 October 2021
, Blog

People call asphalt repair companies to help them with potholes of all types. Some people have asphalt driveways, and over time, potholes can form in those driveways. Potholes are also a problem in all sorts of roads, from roads in neighborhoods that are only used for light purposes to busy highways. There are a lot of similarities in how these different types of potholes are repaired. For example, these are some of the steps that are usually taken when pothole repairs are done.

Blocking Off the Area

First of all, the area where the potholes are being filled will need to be blocked off so the asphalt repair crew can do their jobs. This shouldn't be a big deal if you're having potholes done in your driveway, since you might have another spot on your property to park your vehicles, or you can park on the side of the street. However, if you're having pothole repairs done on a road or highway, you'll need to make preparations to detour traffic while the asphalt repair crew is working.

Cleaning Out the Potholes

In order to get a good idea of the damage that they're dealing with, and to prepare for filling in the potholes, the asphalt repair crew will remove dirt, debris and other material from the potholes. They might first use shovels, rakes or even brooms. Then, once most of the material has been removed, they might use sandblasting, high-pressure water or high-pressure air to do a more thorough job of cleaning out the potholes.

Assessing Damage

Naturally, the asphalt repair crew will already know that there is damage to your asphalt. However, they will probably want to see just how deep the potholes are, how serious the cracks and crumbling around the potholes are and more. Therefore, once the potholes are cleaned out, an asphalt repair professional should carefully inspect each of them.

Filling in Potholes

Of course, one of the most important things that has to be done when it comes to repairing potholes is filling the holes. In some cases, simply filling in small potholes with asphalt is sufficient. For more serious potholes, however, some of the existing asphalt might have to be removed. Then, the area can be redone with new asphalt. Either way, once more asphalt has been added to fill in the potholes, the asphalt will be smoothed out so that the surface will be nice and smooth after drying is completed.

About Me
Repairing or Replacing Paving

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.
