Choosing Your Best Option for an Outdoor Residential Sport Court

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.

Choosing Your Best Option for an Outdoor Residential Sport Court

Choosing Your Best Option for an Outdoor Residential Sport Court

29 March 2017
, Blog

If you want to have a sport court installed on your property, you have several options for the surface. This can include standard concrete, carpeting or rubber tiles, just to name a few. Each one has their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to installation, durability, how it affects game play and overall maintenance and repair needs and costs. Note a few of those advantages and disadvantages here so you can pick the best option for your home.


Concrete is very durable and will hold a paint colour for lines and markings. It also doesn't slow down the speed of a ball when hit.

However, concrete does eventually crack and will need patching and resurfacing over time, especially when exposed to high levels of rain and snow that can cause puddles and eventual water damage. Concrete can also be cumbersome to install, especially in areas that are hard to reach with a mixing truck; having to use a smaller mixer to access remote areas and pour the concrete by hand can then increase the cost of installation and repairs.

Rubber tiles

Rubber tiles usually interlock with one another and are very durable against rain and snow. The rubber surface absorbs shock so they will slow down the speed of balls that hit the surface, but they're also good for protecting a player's joints against shock. Because this surface is set with individual tiles, maintenance and replacement is easy; you simply replace one tile if it becomes worn or damaged. You also create stripes and markings on the court with different colour tiles, so these markings will not simply fade or wear off over time. The surface over which rubber tiles are placed needs to be very compact to hold the tiles securely, so soil may need to be compacted to make it firm, and this can add to the cost of installation.


Artificial carpeting is very durable and also cushions joints and slows down the speed of play, a good choice for amateur players. You can also control the amount of cushioning by adding extra padding or sand under the carpeting. This carpeting can also be applied over soil if it's been compacted and graded, or it can be installed over a concrete pad. Carpeting may need some extra sweeping after storms, as the fibres of the carpeting may hold water, leaves, twigs and other debris, and you may eventually see tears in the fabric that need mending, adding to the cost of maintenance.

About Me
Repairing or Replacing Paving

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.
