Why You Should Use Cement Rendering to Texture Coat Your Exterior House Walls

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.

Why You Should Use Cement Rendering to Texture Coat Your Exterior House Walls

Why You Should Use Cement Rendering to Texture Coat Your Exterior House Walls

27 March 2017
, Blog

The use of cement rendering as a way of texture coating house walls is common in Australia. The cement rendering typically comprises cement, fine sand and lime mixed with water. If you are thinking about texture coating your home's exterior walls with cement rendering, you may want to first learn about the benefits you stand to gain. Here is a rundown of some top perks associated with cement rendering.

Cement rendering is a cost efficient option

For those operating on a low budget, cement rendering would be a perfect choice of rendering for their exterior walls. This is mainly because the materials used to make cement render are easily obtainable and in abundant supply. Thus, you do not need to break the bank to do render over large sections. 

Cement rendering can be made to look aesthetic 

Textured cement rendering can be finished in so many different colours so that virtually every homeowner can find something that complements the exterior appearance of their house and entire home. The colour of the cement in the mix generally determines the colour of the render. The lighter the colour of the cement, the lighter the colour render. But the colours of the cement renders can be altered by applying the desired colour of paint once the render has completely dried. You can choose paint from any of the rated exterior paints available out there on the construction market.

Cement rendering is quite durable

The materials used in the mix are specifically designed to create long-lasting rendering. The sand is clean and fine to ensure it mixes well with the cement, and the lime makes the mix more workable but also prevents cracking once the render becomes dry and hard. This way, you can be sure that your cement rendering will be able to effectively resist inclement weather, such as persistent rain.

Cement rendering increases property value

Anything that you do to improve the appearance, functionality and durability of your home will add to its value in the property market. Giving your exterior walls a textured finish with cement rendering not only improves the aesthetics of the property and protects your walls from weather-induced damage, but it also increases the value of the entire property. This is something that will definitely count should you decide to sell your home at some point in the future.

Cement rendering is a versatile option

The rendering can be applied to various surfaces including concrete, brick, stone, etc. That's why it remains a popular option for many homeowners up until now. 

About Me
Repairing or Replacing Paving

Hello, my name is Malcolm and I have just purchased a new home in Melbourne, Australia. My wife and I are really pleased with our new place, but we also understand that it needs a bit of work before it will be just as we want it to be. One area which is causing me problems is the paving on the front driveway. This paving has become cracked and uneven, making it quite unsafe as someone could easily trip and fall. I didn't know what to do, so I called in my brother Jack. He is very good at DIY and was able to offer me lots of tips and advice. Eventually, I decided to have the paving replaced.
